Thursday, November 17, 2011

Simple Veggie Pasta

This is one of my favorites...simple and easy to make.....delicious to eat. You can make it very easily. Not sure of what to prepare for dinner - go for it! I am a Penne fan,,but you may try the same with bow tie too...

Penne Pasta
Veggies - cut into 1 inch piece - red pepper, green pepper, zucchini, squash, beans, asparagus
Basil Leaves fresh...(most of the times I do not have this.. I substitute with dried ones)
Pine nuts - dry roast it in a pan
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Olive oil
Salt to taste
Black Pepper Powder

Method -

1. Prepare the pasta as per the instructions given in the package. Always remember - "Al Dente (i.e. to the bite). Reserve the water - it will come in handy in case you want to heat the pasta. Sprinkle the water and heat it.
2. Take a pan and heat the oil. Add the veggies and salt and cook them (do not mash them..keep them crispy). Add the basil if you are using fresh ones.
3. Add the cooked pasta and toss it with the veggies.
4. Now add the pine nuts, sun dried tomatoes, basil (if you are using dried ones) and black pepper powder and mix it well.
5. You may also add Parmesan cheese if you like.

Enjoy it with any bread of your choice...I always love it with focaccia....

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