Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mangai Masiyal (Mango Pappu)

Mango or Raw Mango is liked by one and all....and we like all the dishes prepared with it like pickle, rice, kuyambu (which is called mangai kottai kuyambu). One thing is in US you get raw mango all the India we do not get raw mango all the time. Mangai masiyal is a fav dish ...I made this after a long time..I found good mangoes this time in our Indian store. This is also very easy to do.


1/2 Raw Mango (is enough if you happen to pick a big one)
1 Red Chilly (you may use the green ones too)
1/2 Tsp Fenugreek seeds
1/2 Tsp hing
1/2 Tsp Urad Dhal
1/2 Tsp Channa Dhal
1/2 Tsp Mustard Seeds
3/4th Cup Cooked Toor Dhal (nicely mashed)
1/4 th Tsp Turmeric Powder
Curry leaves
Sambhar Powder

(Note: You may add little tamarind water if the mango is not that sour)

Peel the skin off the mango and slice them (slice it the way you do for mango vella pachadi). I microwave the mango pieces with enough water and cook them (you may directly fry them in oil too).

Take oil in a pan. Add the ingredients listed for tadka (mustard, hing, turmeric, urad dhal, channa dhal, curry leaves and the red chilly). Add the cooked mango (reserve the water - you can add the water if it gets too thick), Sambhar powder and salt and cook it for few minutes. Then finally add the cooked dhal and mix it well (add the reserved water if needed). Garnish with coriander leaves. It goes well with rice.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, a very authentic recipe... really good. However, one little thing - even if we can cook vegetables to perfection in a microwave it is not a healthy practice. Nevertheless, using microwave for reheating food, cooking dry stuff like papad, even frying dals/ mustard are all safe.. I even use it to make tea :)

    Also, very nice blog - much needed in the US setting :D.


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